This merchant has a network Product Feed, however, it is not integrated in FMTC's Product Feed.
Manager Name: | Jess Briggs |
Manager Email: | |
Supports Deeplinking: | Yes |
Manager Name: | Jess Briggs |
Manager Email: | |
Supports Deeplinking: | Yes |
Ad Copy Restrictions: | Unknown |
Display URL Restrictions: | Unknown |
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: | Unknown |
PPC Bidding Allowed: | |
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: | Unknown |
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: | Unknown |
PPC Policy Message: |
Email Marketing Allowed: | Unknown |
Email Marketing Policy Message: |
PrettyLitter Campaign | LinkConnector
Campaign Start Date | 2018-01-24 |
Campaign Type | Standard |
7-Day EPC | $7.93 |
90-Day EPC | $9.46 |
Event | Sale |
Cookie Duration | 30 days |
Email Marketing Allowed? | Yes |
Paid Search Engine Marketing Allowed? | No |
Coupons Allowed? | Yes |
Incentive Sites Allowed? | Yes |
Coupon Information: Unapproved coupons will be invalidated.
Email Marketing Restrictions: Use the following steps to insure all Emails are CAN-SPAM Compliant. All email creative must include the following items (in addition to image) before an email drop. 1. Must have unsubscribe/opt-out link. 2. Must have physical address where the browser can unsubscribe. a. 123 Anywhere Lane b. Mytown c. State, Zip Always download the suppression list and scrub it against your list. Do not email without it. Always use Suppression files before Emailing. Use Advertiser approved 'From' lines only. Do not use false or misleading header information. Use Advertiser approved subject line only. Do not use deceptive subject lines, Identify the message as an ad. Honor opt-out requests promptly You MUST setup links so that any complaints are sent to you or your email support staff and not to SmarterChaos or the Advertiser. Do not modify the Advertiser unsubscribe link unless you have been emailed a Key' with suppression file download and/or specific opt-out link.
Last Updated: 2021-04-09 13:38:27
This information is provided by the affiliate networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate when posted but is subject to change at any time. Please refer to the affiliate networks for complete details on this program's permissions and restrictions.
Description | Status | Information Type |
Mobile Traffic Allowed? | Yes | Compliance |
Deeplinking Allowed? | Yes | Program Information |
Negative Keywords | No | Compliance |
This information is provided by the affiliate networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate when posted but is subject to change at any time. Please refer to the affiliate networks for complete details on this program's permissions and restrictions.