Perani's Hockey World

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Premium Merchant


You are our #1 priority. We will continue to provide the best customer service, lowest price and largest product selection. Something that customers who have purchased with Perani's Hockey World have come to expect and enjoy with all of their previous purchases. The culmination of all of this experience and hard work has resulted in an ever growing website with better features, more information and content and a continuing push to provide you with all of your hockey needs. Oh yeah, and because we are the biggest website with the best features, you get a few other perks out of the deal. Perks like the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of all the new products, the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of closeout and prior year products and FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $99.

Commission: 5% with performance incentives and special promotion opportunities
45-day cookie duration - Get the credit you deserve
Datafeed updated daily
Up to Date Deals in the SAS Deals Database
Up to Date banners, coupons, deals — Help make your promotion much easier
Monthly newsletter - stay informed of all the latest promotions

Merchant Information

  • Logo:
  • Homepage:
  • Description:
    You are our #1 priority. We will continue to provide the best customer service, lowest price and largest product selection. Something that customers who have purchased with Perani's Hockey World have come to expect and enjoy with all of their previous purchases. The culmination of all of this experience and hard work has resulted in an ever growing website with better features, more information and content and a continuing push to provide you with all of your hockey needs. Oh yeah, and because we are the biggest website with the best features, you get a few other perks out of the deal. Perks like the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of all the new products, the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of closeout and prior year products and FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $99.

    Commission: 5% with performance incentives and special promotion opportunities
    45-day cookie duration - Get the credit you deserve
    Datafeed updated daily
    Up to Date Deals in the SAS Deals Database
    Up to Date banners, coupons, deals - Help make your promotion much easier
    Monthly newsletter - stay informed of all the latest promotions
  • Primary Category: Hockey & Figure Skating
  • Primary Country: United States
  • Ships To: USA, APO/FPO, Canada, UK, Australia, Worldwide
  • Curbside Pickup:


FMTC ID Network (ID)
30208 SAS (69879)

Product Feed

This merchant does not have a network Product Feed.

Program Information

Manager Name: Ginette Degner
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description:

You are our #1 priority. We will continue to provide the best customer service, lowest price and largest product selection. Something that customers who have purchased with Perani's Hockey World have come to expect and enjoy with all of their previous purchases. The culmination of all of this experience and hard work has resulted in an ever growing website with better features, more information and content and a continuing push to provide you with all of your hockey needs. Oh yeah, and because we are the biggest website with the best features, you get a few other perks out of the deal. Perks like the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of all the new products, the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of closeout and prior year products and FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $99.

Commission: 5% with performance incentives and special promotion opportunities
45-day cookie duration - Get the credit you deserve
Datafeed updated daily
Up to Date Deals in the SAS Deals Database
Up to Date banners, coupons, deals — Help make your promotion much easier
Monthly newsletter - stay informed of all the latest promotions
Welcome Message:

You are our #1 priority. We will continue to provide the best customer service, lowest price and largest product selection. Something that customers who have purchased with Perani's Hockey World have come to expect and enjoy with all of their previous purchases. The culmination of all of this experience and hard work has resulted in an ever growing website with better features, more information and content and a continuing push to provide you with all of your hockey needs. Oh yeah, and because we are the biggest website with the best features, you get a few other perks out of the deal. Perks like the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of all the new products, the LOWEST PRICES and BIGGEST SELECTION of closeout and prior year products and FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $99.

Commission: 5% with performance incentives and special promotion opportunities
45-day cookie duration - Get the credit you deserve
Datafeed updated daily
Up to Date Deals in the SAS Deals Database
Up to Date banners, coupons, deals — Help make your promotion much easier
Monthly newsletter - stay informed of all the latest promotions
Public Commission Rate: 5%
Private Commission Rate Opportunities: Private commission opportunities are available for qualified partners. Please contact us directly for more information:
Placement Bonuses: We are open to placement opportunities for performance in the form of exclusive deals and/or increased commissions. Please contact us directly for more information:
Vanity Coupons: Unfortunately due to MAP restrictions we can't do these
Ad Copy Restrictions: Yes
Display URL Restrictions: Yes
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: Yes
PPC Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message: We do NOT allow any bidding on trademarked or non-trade marked words that reflect the or Perani’s Hockey World Brand. You may not include our brand name or variations of our brand name in display url’s, ad copy nor you may bid on “”, “Hockey World”, “Perani’s” or any other term that a user might mistaken for our brand.
You are allowed to bid on product categories, product names (that are not protected by their own brand policies), using long tail, niche or creative keywords.

You must negative keyword match such terms as "perani's hockey world" "" or any misspellings
Email Marketing Allowed: Yes
Email Marketing Policy Message: All email marketing must be CAN-SPAM compliant. Should you wish to feature in any solo emails you must have express written consent from the Affiliate Team.
Social Media Marketing Allowed: Yes
Social Media Policy Message: We have to be careful here with manufacturer names so please email hockeyworld@snow-consulting,.com so we can discuss further


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